Most Recent Events in "A Lawless Journey"Site Updates:
Attention is being drawn to focus on final concepts for both Ashton, Milo and Melody. Stay patient for updates.
12/3/2024- Updated Beastiary, culture, & About section!

What is Lawless?

Lawless is an interactive action comic that focuses on travel, bonds, lore, exploration, and emotions. The characters are often thrown into psychologically or morally questionable fights where their personalities play a big role in who gets out alive. The story is set in a world where humans are no longer on top of the food chain. A legend says that humans killed their own God to end all Chaos. After the death of Chaos, the earth was reborn anew, and with rebirth came change. The main characters will venture into this new world, living through its history, meeting characters of different origin, and uncover secrets that some would prefer to have remained hidden... An unpredictable world ruled by the lawless. Welcome to Avenir; A world that desperately needs change.

Who are you?

I'm TNT, a freelance illustrator and concept artist. Lawless is a passion project that's been in development for several years now, and while some updates might be slow, I hope they will be well worth the wait. I try to do something for this project every day.
You can view any of my other active projects on my website!
For questions or inquiries, send an Email to:

Alice Rosenblad (Heroine)

She ventured out of her village to find a castle that specialized in helping hurt adventurers. After a long journey, she comes to settle in Sunshore, a calm-looking city of glamour and riches. It's only after encountering Aaron that she reconsiders her choice.
Realizing her mistake, she joins Aaron, and allows him to guide her to a castle that supports rescue teams. She dislikes fighting, but enjoys verbal arguments and debates. Silence makes her nervous, so she often tries to fill the void with trivia. While she has good upper-body strength, she prefers to analyse the enemies and allow Aaron to clear the way. Even if she sometimes chooses not to fight, she continues to provide support both as a mage, tactician, and archer.Role: Main Character

Aaron Hawkeye (Hero?)

With no memory other than the name and the face of his target, he sets out on a quest that can only end with blood being spilled.
During his travel, he comes across a young girl called Alice. After examining her situation, he decides to lend her a hand in her travels, but his reasons for doing so are purely selfish.Fights if he is provoked. Dislikes chit-chatting, and prefers not to meddle in other people's affairs. Additionally, anyone meddling in his affairs will be quietly guided towards the nearest exit.Role: Main Character


"Are you gathering dust back there or just falling behind?" - AshtonComes from a rich family of royal blood. During his younger years he trained to serve the castle of his hometown, only to be struck by tragedy shortly after being knighted.After his little sister fell ill of a deadly disease under his watch, both he and his sister were banished for good. Despite both siblings being homeless, Ashton worked as hard as he could to find a cure for (what he then did not know was) an incurable disease.During his search for coin, he encounters Aaron. Their reckless personalities clash, and an unforgivable event takes place that forces Ashton to track Aaron down no matter what the cost.Diligent and neat, he puts presentation and style above manners and etiquette. A hopeless romantic when it comes to women, and evermore the fruitless charmer. Falls for women faster than leaves off a tree. He may be a flop at wooing others, but he is one of the most skilled trackers in Avenir.Age: 22
Profession: Thief
Element: Water
Weapon of choice: Swords, daggers, lances.
Role: Side Character

Melody Harbinger

"If you can't stand the heat, don't walk directly into the fire!" - MelodyAn energetic and dynamic spirit that also happens to be Aaron's childhood friend. Her skills in combat have earned her the nickname "Adrenalin" by Aaron. Passion drives her forward more than anything. If anyone tries to injure any of her friends, she will personally beat said person with their own hand.She enjoys dancing and singing, and can speak over 5 different languages fluently. It's difficult to change her mind and make her follow orders unless the order come from a strong authority figure. She once dreamed about traveling the world, but it is hard to say if that dream ever came to fruition.Her whereabouts are currently unknown. Due to Aaron's memory loss, tracking her down will be all the more difficult.Age: Unknown
Profession: Unknown
Element: Unknown
Weapon of choice: Unknown
Role: Side Character

Tami (???)

A trickster that shows her face only when it tickles her fancy. She enjoys playing dangerous games with other people's emotions for her own amusement, which eventually ends up costing them their lives.Her intentions and goals are clouded. It seems she only seeks a reaction out of people, and does not necessarily lean towards good or evil. She appears to possess a strange power that can alter the world to whatever suits her needs. Bargaining with her never leads to a pleasant end. Her body is made up entirely of pixels. What this means is yet unknown. Confident, smug, and appears fully aware of her own capabilities. Hard to read.Role: ???

A successful queen and the current ruler of Sunshore's Castle. With her confidence and grace, she can convince anyone to fight for her cause. She has an intimidating and yet loving nature that makes her difficult to approach but hard to let go off once you get attached.
Unlike other castle owners, Milo took her place on the throne by overthrowing the previous king of Sunshore. She managed to crush his armies with a team of 3 allies and their expertise. The four of them, a team named "Eclipse" quickly changed the pace and built an empire. Now, she seeks to conquer all other Castles in Avenir, although as of yet nobody knows why...Obsessed with money and works her allies to the bone no matter how highly ranked they are. She allows anyone to join her, but because of the strict regime only few make it out as warriors."Move along darling, time is money." - MiloAge: 29
Gender: Female
Species: Aqua (Fish)
Profession: Castle Owner and Conqueror
Element: Water
Weapon of choice: Trident, sword, lance, magic

A polite shape shifter that supports anyone in unfair peril. He works for REX as a Castle Inspector, but focuses most of his energy on traveling the world with his best friend, Boris. Despite Lancelot's ability to shape shift, he is the only shape shifter that deliberately protects his appearance with a mask at all times. The mask is an iconic item of a long-dead poet, but Lancelot denies having any connection to the man.
The title "Castle Inspector" has negative connotations due to the fact Castle Inspectors are the primary reason so many castles get closed down. However, he wears the label on his sleeve, and sees no reason to hide his title in shame. Unfortunately, this positive attitude has not earned him affection among rescue teams.A charming and lively entity that tolerates no deception. Exudes unshakable loyalty to the people he considers friends."For you, I shall lose myself in battle even if it were to aid you for a fleeting second." - LancelotAge: UNDEFINED
Species: UNDEFINED (Shifter)
Profession: REX Castle Inspector and Traveler
Weapon of choice: Shape shifting, sword

A very shy secretary that works day and night to please Queen Milo. She lives in the castle and helps her teammates by organizing missions. Sometimes, she sneaks into the kitchen for a snack. The chef lets her get away with it because of her doll-like charm. Despite being in her early 40's, she is only 100 cm tall. Many of the castle members find her beauty to rival that of their queen, but no one dares say so out loud.
She collects custom made glasses and has an entire drawer full of them. Because she stays up late working till odd hours, she often falls asleep every now and again in-between work. A few members make sure to check up on her and bring her necessary supplements of food and water. A workaholic with a deep interest in fiction and fantasy novels."Good results comes at the expense of a wrecked sleeping schedule!" - LuluAge: 39
Species: Aqua (Fish)
Profession: Secretary
Element: Water
Weapon of choice: Magic
A traveling merchant that specializes in selling rare items. She travels with her frog companion Trevon in search for rare treasures. A loud and brutally powerful dragon that helps other kindhearted spirits in need of a little assistance... for the right price. What? Do you know how hard it is to find people interested in hiring a dragon as a tour guide? Can't blame someone for trying to earn an honest buck.
Despite being deadly afraid of frogs, she claims Trevon is the only frog she can be around without losing her cool. Dislikes warm areas and prefers cool weather and rain. She often wears a big hat to cover up her large ears. She is the most famous explorer in Avenir. She often auctions collected treasures away in different locations, but keeps the truly rare objects to herself and her close friends."People who say some things are impossible aren't stubborn enough or wild enough to try harder!" - GenoiseAge: 15
Species: Flare (Dragon)
Profession: Merchant
Weapon of choice: UNDEFINED

"A land ruled by the lawless"

Regions & Their Climate

World Map

Avenir was a calm land where diversity and culture was celebrated in every region. However, that was before a strange war broke through Vatra. It took 30 years to finally end the brutal conflict; a conflict that tore the region apart until it became nothing short of a wasteland and wiped out majority of its population. Through the fire and hail, REX (Rescue and Explore) was formed to implement a system of Castles to make sure the horrible events in Vatra never repeat again. Decades passed, and the system lives on in memory of the people who fought to uphold the peace. Though, nowadays, very little is known of how REX operates and builds castles.As of today, the continent of Avenir has united 7 regions.
Those regions are: Sunshore, Mystique, Luxum, Zephyr, Symphonia, Val Destra, and Vatra.
Other areas outside of the abovementioned regions do not have a peace pact and live outside of Avenir's borders.The land goes under different spellings, but Avenir is the most common. It is also the name that is printed on all the maps. Each region has a majority population species, and all of the types can be discovered in the species section. Similarly, all castles that belong to the regions (even unmarked ones) can be viewed in the facilities section.

Individual Areas

Clockwork Woods

They say you can feel the flow of time as you walk through these woods. Time can supposedly move faster or slower, depending on which area you enter.This area is so tranquil that no sound other than that of running water and the ticking of clocks can be heard. The water is said to be so pure you could drink straight from the river. No species willingly walk into these woods unless they are cornered. A rumor says you can get trapped in time if you remain in the woods for far too long. Every clocks's hands are movable, but for now, nobody knows exactly what they do, and people advise against moving them for fun.

Sky Cavern (Glacier Level)

The cold air in this area renders flying impossible for the animals that are not bred purely to survive in this condition. These glaciers are filled with micro anti-gravity crystals that (if gathered in huge amounts) can hold up heavy lumber. This is where most of the crystals come from, but they can only be found below glacier level. The ice is so clear in this area that you can see through it if you look close enough.The castle can be reached by a lift that operates by using anti-gravity crystals. Harsh winds in this land prevent any crops from growing. Only a few species can live in these stressful conditions, so the population at glacier level is relatively small, and population underground is practically non-existent.

Galaxy Cavern
(Underground Level)

This area is hidden and buried underneath heavy amounts of snow. It’s said that the roof of the whole cave is a window to galaxies and stars from far away, and that the thick layer of ice underneath it reflects the rooftop perfectly, making it feel as if you're floating through space.If you walk on the ice and happen to step on a reflection of a star or galaxy, the pattern above the ice will change. There’s gems inside the rock pillars in this area, and each gem holds a constellation on the inside. When purified, they become anti-gravity crystals.

Books, Journals, Entries, & Legend

This section consists of a plethora of different scripture and illustrations. From comics and one-shots, to Alice's journal entries, cryptic messages, found documents, destroyed documents, and individual pages from specific character journals. Each section will be labeled by their name. Below is a table of contents of the documents found in both the canonical story (MAIN), those telling the story of Order (LEGEND), and the side-stories(SIDE). Once a chapter or story is completed, you will be able to click on the X in order to be taken to that specific chapter or side-story.


Documents Found InTypeStatusRead
Chapter IXOngoingX
Chapter 2XTBD-


Documents Found InTypeStatusRead
Act IN/AN/A-


Documents Found InTypeStatusRead
Story "Airi"NoneCompleteX
Story "Nico"XCompleteX
Story "Genoise"XOngoing-

The Book of Order (A legend of Chaos & Bliss)

This section consists entirely of pages and scripts found in the Book of Order. The text in the artworks are taken directly from much longer paragraphs in the old mythology that can be read in its entirety once the documents are released/discovered/mentioned in the comic. The comic will cover the mythology briefly, and will mostly adress the important and plot-relevant aspects, whereas the rest can be read for fun in its entirety to better understand the world and lore.


God split his being in three pieces and sent two down to earth to aid Humans, while the other piece would watch over them for eternity. The pieces were named heroes by God and transformed into human flesh. Down came a hero of Bliss, God's right hand, and a hero of Chaos, God's left hand. Bliss was to preserve joy, while Chaos was to preserve diversity. The two complimented each other and brought order into the primitive world. Their mission was to show humans that joy could not exist without diversity, that bliss could not exist without Chaos. The humans answered by sending a flaming arrow through the heart of Chaos. They did not want crime and chaos, they wanted absolutes, a future without disasters or wars. A world neither hero could provide.

This is their story.

Comic Prologue


All creatures fall into a main category but not necessarily a subcategory. A creature can only belong to one main category, but up to 3 subcategories depending on their breeding patterns and habitat. Below are the major category emblems and the subcategory emblems can be found in more detail in their respective charts below.

Major Category Species

  • Dweller, Shadow

  • Ancient, Holy

  • Human, Fiber

  • Flare, Aqua

Subcategory Species

  • Beast, Ghost, Plant

  • Airborn, Angel, Giant

  • Fish, Frost, Fairy

  • Dragon, Deity, Puppet


Shadows can be active during both day and night as long as they remain in dark areas. They jump from shadow to shadow to hunt for food. Thanks to Humans keeping Dwellers as pets, Shadows have had a hard time chasing Humans down, and have resorted to hunting Fiber species for nourishment.Absolutely silent and strike with pixel-perfect accuracy. It has become so difficult to detect Shadows that some cultures have made it into a sport.It is said that the Shadow species have deep connections to the supernatural and the afterlife, but no evidence exists that would support this claim.


A extremely rare breed which there is little information about. Humans tend to worship creatures like these, whereas other breeds are unaware of their existence.Good or bad, they have the power to completely restore, or completely demolish continents. Excellent Magicians, with super effective attacks against every breed except for their own.It is said that more information about Holy beings can be found in old scriptures, but because of their ancient tongue they are near impossible to interpret correctly.


They are the only category of species that can eat any other categorized species, and have even shown tendencies to eat their own species under pressuring circumstances. According to a legend, humans once ruled atop the food chain. Nowadays, they are the lowest population, and are the species most exposed to danger.Studies show that the increase of danger in their environment can trigger dormant instincts. Some cultures have interpreted this as a sign from God, but scientists remain skeptical over whether this was a blessing and see it more as an unused trait passed down by years of evolution.


The strongest breed of all and lethal to humans. Most breeds are able to fly and spit fire, but a selective few take residence on land and rarely soar through the sky.Due to the difficulty of eating Fiber breeds, they seek out humans as an alternative. There was a time where Flare breeds kept to themselves because of the plentiful Ancient breeds that roamed the areas.However, a blizzard struck the Flares largest lair one day; killing most Flare and Ancient breeds in the process. The ones that survived had to relocate and find other nourishment. The closest supply of food were humans because of their vulnerability to fire.


Easily recognized by their unique masks and patterns. Their bone-structure is more than twice the strength of a Human’s, making them the best defenders out of all breeds. They are often hunted for their bones, since Humans turn their shells into armor for soldiers.
Their masks are often used as accessories and their patterns have become an inspiration to several cultures around the world. A real horn from a live Ancient is said to be durable and strong enough to cut through solid rock. Since they are difficult to defeat, the rarity of an authentic bone will sell for a huge amount on the market. It is also common in some cultures to hunt for an Ancient's bone to give to their loved one as a token of bravery and affection. This was said to be the first step to ask for someone’s hand in marriage during ancient times.


Fibers have immensely great recovery. Their healing methods have been studied and helped to increase several species lifespans. They prefer to take residence next to watery areas because of their good relationship with Aquas. Due to Aquas only being active during the day, Fibers have no protection against Shadow breeds during the night.They are the only breed that have perfected culinary science, and are more than happy to share their food with weary travelers.
It is said that humans often visited Fiber camps when there were wars within their region. Fibers are said to be one of the most peaceful species, as they do not seek out conflict and try to avoid it by making compromises.


Aqua breeds help Fibers to grow plants in exchange for some of the harvest. They are the only breeds that have had an oral contract that has not been broken for around 1000 years.They have tremendous speed, and are difficult to hunt. They keep the Flares away from Fiber crops, but can not be as active at night when Shadows roam the land. Fiber and Aqua are breeds that can eat meat, but refuse to by will.Aqua breeds are recognized by their deep blue color. Most of them can breathe underwater, but a lot of them live on land because of the bountiful fruits and vegetables that grow in woods. They don’t fight a lot, but can be furious in battle and near impossible to hit.


They live in various environments, and are most commonly considered pets to humans, even if some of the Dwellers are too big to keep indoors. Dwellers are the only breed that exclusively have a diet of fruits and vegetables. Humans offer them food, and make friends.
They are the most loyal breed aside from the Ancient, and they keep the Shadows away from Humans at night. Studies have shown that the most ancient usage of the word “Dweller” was coined by a biologist who made friends with a Lica after saving it from an attack. After taking care of the beast for a small amount of time, it came to rest outside his doorstep every day, protecting him from any Shadows that might lurk around at night. It was after this experience that he named this type of species Dwellers. This species best attack and defense seems to be hypnosis.

GiantRecognized by their size and excellent camouflage skills. They are rather slow moving, but have tremendous power. Most of them are very shy for their size, which explains why they camouflage themselves or hide when there are other species around.
AirbornRecognized by their wings and excellent hearing. Airborn were used in combat a lot of the time by humans, but due to their species now growing even more powerful (surpassing human strength) very few have agreed to still aid them in battle.
GhostRecognized by their desaturated-looking skin. They have no senses other than hearing and sight. It is said that ghosts can feel each other’s presence due to the fact they leave an aura of dread behind them.
FairyRecognized by their bright glow. They have a tendency to rely on magic a lot. During ancient times, these fairies were a great help to soldiers, but as of recently you can not find one single shred of truth to their words.
FishRecognized by their gills and fins. They have a habit of growing gemstones on their bodies. It is said that humans capture them in nets to hoard their gems for jewellery. Some of the finest gemstones have been known to get shaped into weapons as well.
PlantRecognized by their sheen and their leaves. They have a habit of gathering closeby water sources to replenish their own health and grow crops. They say that plant species gather during a full moon to pray for a good harvest.
DeityRecognized by their voice, which has been compared to a variety of things. A deity that brings hope and good fortune has been compared to the sound of bells, while a deity that brings judgement and misfortune has been compared to the sound of trumpets. The subspecies itself has claimed divinity, and supposedly has a close relationship with The Lord. Whether this is true is unknown.
DragonRecognized by their scales and resistance to heat. They have a good sense of smell and are excellent hunters. Since they are often large in size, one dragon can devour an entire city of humans and still have room left for more. This is why they hunt larger prey, but if they see no luck they attack humans.
AngelRecognized by their halos. They are also known for aiding humans who are in great danger. This species has helped fend off dragon attacks in the past, and stood guard for the human race. Little is known about Angels, but they appear to be friendly to all species.
PuppetRecognized by their torn skin and stitches. They have a very uneven and wavy speech-pattern that makes them sound more ominous than they actually are. A puppet may look creepy, but they are by far harmless creatures. Their torn up bodies give them little to no defense against predators, however, due to the fact they look like dolls, they can appear lifeless in the heat of danger, and trick the enemy into leaving them alone.
BeastRecognized by their animalistic traits to felines and canines. They have powers that vary in intensity and type depending on their breed. They usually walk on all four, but some may have more legs or no legs depending on what species it is. Beasts are split in two categories: those who wish to aid humans, and those who wish nothing but bad luck on them.
FrostRecognized by their clear surfaces and ability to chill down atmospheres with their icy bodies just by walking through them. They have served many species as guides through blizzards and dark areas such as woods. Whenever a Frost is near, the temperature drops by 10 degrees.


Born from raindrops as plants. Their mood, diet, and disposition depends on the environment they are born in. Their entire life revolves around the climate, how clean the water is, whether the land is dry or bountiful, and so on. Though all of them are classified as "dewdrops" many have been given nicknames from other critters based on their behaviour or appearance. All dewdrops belong in the "Fiber" category, while a number of them fall into different sub-categories depending on their living preferences and habitat.

Residents of PekoPeko

Culture & Tradition

This is the culture section. It will contain a little bit of everything; from foods, customs, games to legend, rumor, & old folklore. It will encompass everything you can find and explore in avenir, along with each region's currency, wardrobe, export, import, and so on. For more details on what facilities are located in each individual region, consult the facility section.

Fruits & Vegetables

Avenir is home to many different tasty things! You'll find all sorts of dishes, spices, fruits, vegetables and edible goodies here. From candies to traditional treats, and from street food to luxurious menu items found only in expensive cafes from all sorts of regions!

Outfits, Costumes, and Accessories.

There are many types of outfits ranging from traditional garbs to monster costumes. Any character can wear any costume in theory, so feel free to let your imagination run wild!

Sunshore Exclusive Shops